“Q: Ok so on my way to the movie theater today we saw a vulture of some sort hop across the road. I got a good enough look at it and it looks exactly like a black vulture. Except that this would be to far north for it because as far as I know we only have turkey vultures here. So is there a chance it could’ve just be a juvenile turkey vulture or an actual black vulture? Location is central connecticut”
Well, black vultures actually get surprisingly far north these days, especially up the east coast! They do have a rather distinctive head though, if you got close enough to see that - it’s very “emperor palpatine, but with actual redeeming features”
Juvenile turkey vultures, on the other hand, aren’t quite the distinctive red they get when they’re fully mature, but they’re more “darth vader, but as a good dad” than full-on palpatine
That being said, the easiest way to tell turkey vultures from black vultures is their wings - turkey vultures have distinctly two-toned wings, whereas black vultures just have a lighter starburst at their wingtips.
Anyways I know that didn’t really help you ID the bird you saw, but at least you got the vulture/star wars crossover that nobody but me asked for